Dental Hygiene
  • Dental hygiene for children

    We encourage parents to bring their children in to see us from a very early age – in fact it’s never too early for them to accompany you on your visits and get used to the sights, sounds and smells of a dental surgery. This avoids unnecessary anxiety later. We’ll definitely want to look at their teeth as soon as they come, or before their first birthday, whichever is earliest.

    In addition to providing them with tips on how to brush and floss, we can offer preventive measures to hopefully stop them developing cavities. These include fluoride varnish, an invisible wash of fluoride to act as a force field against bacteria, and fissure sealants, a bio-plastic coating that we ‘paint’ over teeth that might be vulnerable to decay. Both procedures are quick and painless – and we even make them fun for kids so they won’t mind coming back!

Don’t delay - book your next hygienist visit today!